It does not matter if you are not feeling like a superhero. Are you feeling like

4 min readDec 6, 2020

Other people’s opinions don’t make you money. Taking a clear stance, knowing there will be lots of readers who disagree with you, will make you more money from an article than you could ever imagine.

Our first task, of course, to import the data into our Jupyter Notebook and explore the values from columns. The athlete event dataset has 271,116 records or rows and 15 columns or attributes.

You are a hero, and I am a hero — though we are not the heroes of the comics. We are who we are. We should not wish to be like imaginary beings who never existed anywhere.

You make money from writing by being unselfish. It’s counter-intuitive. Readers don’t care about you. They care about how you can help them. Helping someone is just another name for money-making.

If Hemingway were still alive, then he’d be learning about Substack. There are many tools unprofessional writers use, and they’re not writing tools — they’re money-making tools.

It’s time to give you some practical tips to make money. I am an unprofessional writer. Many of the writers around me make a minimum of 6-figures from their work. I don’t say that to brag. I say that because I’ve been able to ask them how they did it. The advice is always the same.

By getting over myself, I could focus on the business aspect of writing. This time I bought back, and it allowed me to learn about all the tools a writer has to earn a living. Get over yourself as a writer to make money.

An email address is the first step to make money as a writer. Unprofessional writers who didn’t study literature are taught this dumb technique right up front: ask for an email address so you can stay in touch with a reader.

By doing more of what you like to do, you start becoming a master in your field of activity. There is always room at the top, as they say. When you are at the top of what you love to do — you’ll discover that you were already the hero you wanted to be without doing anything you didn’t want to do.

The thing about quality is you don’t really know what it is. Quality is in the eye of the reader. And nobody, not even me, should dare try and pretend to understand what readers will and won’t find helpful.

Universities are going bankrupt. You can scoop up their students and sell education that actually has a real-world use, rather than the mostly resume fluffing garbage universities have been selling for years and putting people in a lifetime of debt to pay for.

An online course is a different medium that a percentage of readers are crying out for, so they can become entrenched in everything you know about a topic and have you as their tour guide.

Professional writers also fall for the trap of Patreon-like platforms. Patreon is like putting a dog bowl in front of your writing, as though you’re homeless in the street, and asking for donations. Don’t beg readers for money with Patreon — or ask people to give you money for a coffee.

You can directly download the data from the dropbox HERE. The file contains two datasets, athlete event and noc region. The athlete event is a record of all athlete, their characteristics, health information and citizenship, and medal acquisition from 1896–2016. Whereas, the noc region records the National Olympic Committee (NOC).

Payment software like PayPal to be able to accept alternative currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, so the value you capture is stored and protected against inflation for digital products you sell.


